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PHARMILL - PAULINA PLENKIEWICZ I WOJCIECH FLORYSIAK SPÓŁKA JAWNA implements a project co-founded by the European Funds entitled „Development of PHARMILL through brand promotion on foreign markets” (polish project title „Rozwój spółki PHARMILL przez promocję marki na rynkach zagranicznych”).


The aim of the project is to develop the company through exports in connection with participation in the project. Program of Promotion of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industry and Promotion of Polish Product Brand.


The amount of funding from the EU: 185 300,00 PLN.

The total project amount: 370 600,00 PLN

The Ordering Party is implementing the Project entitled: “Implementation of the pearl milling technology in the production of boluses for cattle and the ultrasonic homogenisation technology in the production of ointments for animals in order to expand the offer of PHARMILL with innovative products” as part of the Regional Operational Programme for Wielkopolskie Voivodeship for 2014-2020.


Priority: I “innovative and competitive economy”

Measure 1.5. Strengthening the competitiveness of enterprises

Sub-measure 1.5.2 Strengthening the competitiveness of key sectors of the economy of the region



Beneficiary: PHARMILL - Paulina Plenkiewicz i Wojciech Florysiak Sp. J.



Total project value: PLN 4,920,000.00



The amount of EU co-financing for the project: PLN 1,800,000.00

PHARMILL – PAULINA PLENKIEWICZ I WOJCIECH FLORYSIAK SPÓŁKA JAWNA implements a project co-founded by the European Funds entitled „The development of PHARMILL through promotion in export markets” (polish project title „Rozwój firmy PHARMILL poprzez promocję na rynkach eksportowych”).


The aim of the project is to develop the company through export due to its participation in the Promotion Program for Biotechnology and Pharmaceutics and the promotion of the Polish Product Brand.


The amount of funding from the EU: 200 900,00 PLN.

„Pharmill - Paulina Plenkiewicz i Wojciech Florysiak Spółka Jawna” implements the following project co-financed from the European Funds: "Strengthening the innovative potential of PHARMILL by conducting research and development in the area of developing a prototype of preparation improving intestinal integrity in poultry”. The project is implemented as part of the Regional Operational Programme for Wielkopolskie Voivodeship 2014-2020.


The aim of the project is to develop a recipe and production technology for a preparation prototype, based on essential oils and natural plant extracts, which would improve intestinal integrity in poultry.


The amount of EU co-financing for the project: PLN 644,720.00